The Jabberwocky

Reading lewis carroll's through the looking glass and what alice found there, and come upon the jabberwocky poem, then remembered Donovan did a song based on the poem. Very creative..

for those not familiar, here is a link to his song..

Which really puts what I did to shame, but then not Donovan..

I've also like the spinning wheels line from the song of the same name from blood, sweat and tears and tried to combine the two.

In a nod to Carroll, I used portmanteau in the outro.

Lyrics are mine.. music & vocals are AI.

[Verse 1]

Suspended in the glow of sunsets

Where orange lemon yellows melt

And purply hues casting shadows

Sparklin diamonds in Orion's belt

[Verse 2]

I must fight the Jabberwocks,

The Jubjubs and Bandersnatches

My inner demons and turmoils

Freeing me from locks and latches


Spinning wheels, ball bouncin round

Only in shadows are troubles found

Spinning wheels and spinning time

Can't Let vines of indecision climb

[Verse 3]

Twirling blacks and ivory shades

Silvery sharp edges cutting minds

Twisting branches of tumtum trees

Decisions fleeting with the breeze


I take the potion that makes me tall

Making my problems seem very small

The jabberwocky slain, nevermore

My demons are past, and I close the door


Spinning wheels, ball bouncin round

Only in shadows are troubles found

Spinning Wheels and spinning time

Can't Let vines of indecision climb


The ophislither doth herald a new dawn

Skinneslashing my soul of the demsprite

Freed from the branches of the tumtum

In Carroll's words where I gain insight


  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    Well that's a ride Bill! Enjoyed that. Some great names you managed to get in there.

    Great idea to adapt a famous story, good opportunities in that I think.

    Lovely words and phrases, in this song, in particular;

    "Can't Let vines of indecision climb"

    nice touch that.


  • @sidshovel - thanks for the comments. that line gave me the most trouble :).. glad you like it.. can't go wrong with donovan, but jaberwocky, was my late-wife's least favorite song of his.. I think it's brilliant :)

  • You got these poetry songs nailed man , Sounds good

  • @ElvisNash - thanks.. not the music I wanted. but it works

  • I'm not familiar with the genre

  • @ElvisNash - was going after donovan's style only with a female

  • I liked the re-interpretation of personal demons within the Jabberwocky framework.

    My favorite lines:

    I take the potion that makes me tall

    Making my problems seem very small

  • @RainyDayMan - Thanks owen. Not sure what other interpretations of that poem is. But my take on it is overcoming adversity..That line is derivation of Jefferson airplane's white rabbit song, One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. I kept true to alice in wonderland, by keeping it as a potion.

  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 20

    @bhengen Your title initially reminded me of the Jabberjays, Hunger Games. Poetry in motion, your songs, Bill and always teaching the world something forgotten or something new. And as expected, brilliant music to go along with brilliant poetry! I may not understand every word of it but it really isn't necessary when the music takes me away. And I appreciate your introductions to your songs, otherwise, on some of them, I'd be lost.

    Love it!


  • @HummerWisdom - Thanks for the comment, Renee. Sometimes, it's really not so much about the words. but the music.. there is one band I'm trying to track down, where if your read their lyrics, they are non-sense.. but w hen put to music, they come alive. That's the beauty of the prog rock or experimental rock genre, you are free to explore As jimmy Hendrix says - "I’m gonna wave my freak flag high, high!" :)

  • Barry
    Barry Florida
    edited January 23

    I can't think of Donovan without hearing Season of the witch in my head which I have always loved.

    You have done an amazing job with this, making it your own. My roots are Welch, so the music speaks to me but the words on the Donovan version are way beyond any cognitive abilities I might have. Your version made it all make sense.

  • @barry - Thanks. Love that song too.. it was my late wife that got me into donovan.. Donovan, took the exact poem from carroll, which caroll wrote in specific dialect..

  • Barry
    Barry Florida

    I saw that, I listened to both and tried to read the poem, but the dialect was beyond my comprehension. The music was good tho

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