In My Dreams

Inspired by astral projection

In My Dreams

© 2025 Barry Williams Lyrics and melody

Music and vocals by Robots

In the dark I hold you,

I feel you as I sleep.

Our passions high, deep in the night,

Tied up in tangled sheets.

Then love we made is burned away,

As sunrise is complete.

Still, you were mine for a time

If only in my dreams.

In my dreams the fire that burns,

Melts two hearts into one,

In my dreams our worlds collide,

And rise with the setting sun.

In my dreams I live the life,

I wish was meant to be.

My world is right deep in the night,

If only in my dreams.

My days pass by so slowly,

Can’t seem to find no peace.

Your memories live everywhere,

The night brings my relief.

I crave the passing of the light,

Longing for your love so sweet,

When you’ll be mine for a time,

If only in my dreams.

In my dreams the fire that burns,

Melts two hearts into one,

In my dreams our worlds collide,

And rise with the setting sun.

In my dreams I live the life,

I wish was meant to be,

My world is right deep in the night,

If only in my dreams.

When I’m asleep I find peace

Where nothings what it seems

When once again I’ll hold you

If only in my dreams

[Guitar Solo]

In my dreams the fire that burns,

Melts two hearts into one,

In my dreams our worlds collide,

And rise with the setting sun.

In my dreams I live the life,

I wish was meant to be,

You’ll be mine – again tonight,

If only in my dreams.

Yeah, you’ll be mine again tonight,

If only in my dreams


  • @Barry - profound lyrics.. the music really enhances the lyrics as well .. brilliant :)

  • Sounds radio ready Barry
    Very good writing
  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    I haven't listened to the song yet, but just reading the lyrics I can tell this is something special.

    Absolutely beautiful lyrics Barry, the sensitivity and the feelings pour out of the words, top class.

    Looking forward to the whole song, get back to you soon.

  • Yep, this works really well.

    I like "tied up in tangled sheets"

    You need Tom Jones to sing this! Wonder if you can get AI to emulate him?

  • Barry
    Barry Florida
    @bhengen thanks, the music makes the lyric imo especially the guitar solo at the bridge, it may be my only song I don't want to redo.

    @ElvisNash that's high praise, thank you

    @Sid thanks man, this really is a true story based on astral projection experiences.
  • Barry
    Barry Florida
    edited January 18
    Owen, iI don't think you can select a singer by name, the vocals fit as they are enough for me. But then again, It's not unusual to have dreams of anyone badadadada hahaha
  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    Barry you have an unlimited talent. Reading the lyrics, I thought that is a beautiful soft ballad, pressed the play button an' bang, did I get a surprise! I wouldn't have thought to put those words to such powerful music and yet, how well did that come out.

    Take a bow for the final product is brilliant, I absolutely love it.


  • Barry
    Barry Florida
    @Sid, it took over 100 tries to get the music the way I wanted on this one. AI wanted it to be a soft ballad too. I'm still learning how to work the AI prompts and commands to make it sound like I want.
  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    Barry, here's a trick you may want to consider,

    find a song on Suno/Udio that comes close to what you are looking for.

    download it and chop off everything after the first 50-60 secs.

    Upload this section back into Ai and extend from that.

    Once you complete your song, chop off the piece you uploaded.

    This is one method to put you in the ballpark quicker.

    Song cutter:

    Hope this helps,


  • Barry
    Barry Florida
    Thanks Sid!, I will try to figure that out, I never even knew you could do this stuff with AI a month ago until I came back to the forum and read some posts about it.
  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    We're all learning with this Ai Barry, good place to pass on anything we find that works.

  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 18

    Nice one, @Barry Love the hook with that BIG, little word 'if'. And it ROCKS!! Love the guitar work and the vocal, nice chorus! Beautiful! I'm with Elvis; radio ready!

    Just realized, if this were my song, I'd call it "IF ONLY IN MY DREAMS" but it's not my song 😍


  • Maybe you could start a Youtube channel Barry on your songs

  • Very elegant song, simple but very effective lyrics!
  • Barry
    Barry Florida

    I just learned that AI was a thing that I could use, maybe creating videos is something I can figure out too. I hoping to retire soon so I should have time to play around with it.

  • ElvisNash
    ElvisNash Calif
    edited January 22

    I got a buddy who makes AI vids , I think with your caliber of writing you could get a channel going . I've read on vids they're making money on AI songs . Stands to reason a lot are radio ready like this

  • Cove
    Cove Alabama, U.S.

    @Barry awesome song Barry! A+ on the lyrics. One thing about those robots, you don't have to worry about them getting drunk!

  • Barry
    Barry Florida
    edited January 23

    Those robots are cool and all, but I've been trying to get one to say a 4-syllable word in a song I'm working on and they just ain't there yet. I'm about to give up and just post it as a lyric. I'd lose the word but it's the title and hook.

    Thanks for the kind words Cove

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    Barry, try breaking the word down into bite size chunks it can handle.

    e.g energetic- hen her jet tick, mightn't be perfect but close.


  • I think you can add 20 seconds of live audio to get the word right for robots
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