Questions, questions (right click then open link in new tab,) to open song.

lyrics SS music/vocals Ai

[verse 1]

What I really wanna know is,

what happens if she say's no.

Will my world come crashin' down,

how will I ever know.


Does she see me, like I see her,

how will I ever know.

[verse 2]

She looked across and smiled,

I checked, I'm not that slow,

Was there someone behind me

how will I ever know


Does she see me, as I see her

how will I ever know


Questions, questions, so much I need to know,

some kind of pick-up line, that's not me, no

I'm building a mountain from a molehill, I get it,

If I don't do somethin' soon I'm gonna regret it.

[verse 3]

She started workin' in the building,

same as me, not that long ago.

That was two months just gone April,

We should have met by now.


Has she asked if I am single?

No way, she doesn't know!

[verse 4]

There's a big meeting late today,

I'm gonna stand next to you.

I'll start with somethin' simple,

Like I'm Erica, how do you do?


Questions, questions, so much I need to know,

some kind of pick-up line, that's not me, no

I'm building a mountain from a molehill, I get it,

If I don't do somethin' soon I'm gonna regret it.


That's a little bit creepy, try

Hi, I'm Erica from H.R.

[verse 5]

What if she says she knows,

then what am I gonna do?

I'll sound like a bloody stalker,

better think of somethin' new.


My mind is all in a spin,

I think I'll just pack it all in


Questions, questions, so much I need to know,

some kind of pick-up line, that's not me, no

I'm building a mountain from a molehill, I get it,

If I don't do somethin' soon, I will regret it.

[verse 6]

I'm givin' up an' goin' home

headin' out to get my car.

Confused, I bump into some lady,

Hi, I'm o.k., Oh! You're Erica from H.R.


Questions, questions, so much I need to know,


  • Okay, Sid. Read the lyric a couple of times, now listening to the music. Is this a same sex liking a same sex song? If so, I get it. If not, I'm lost. If I'm correct, I suppose this would do these confused dayz. I love the conversation to one's self of it all. And the quiet music suits the words.


  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside


    I write about life, a palette of many colours

    Thanks Renee


  • I think the lyrics are brilliant. Tells a story. I wish I could write like this.
  • Great story. And the AI has done a fine job with the music, it really suits it.

    Enjoyed that a lot!

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside
    edited January 17



    Thanks guys, for a while I'm going to focus on that "road not taken" and write some songs from perspectives rarely found in mainstream songs, hope you like them.


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