Need to know what instrument they're using.

Hey, does anyone know what instrument is playing at 2:38? I really like it but I can't tell what it is:


  • Not sure. It looks a bit like a bouzouki, but with extra strings, however if this is an Israeli band, then it may be a distinct instrument in its own right, but I can't say what.

  • SarahHarris
    SarahHarris Los Angeles, CA

    Ok, I just found out it's a Puerto Rican cuatro, thanks RainyDayMan for helping

    I think I'm going to buy one, there's another cool instrument on the second verse in the middle, but they don't show it :(

  • Until recently, I didn't realize there were so many kinds of guitar beyond the one familiar to us all. I became a fan of Fado music after visiting Lisbon, and noticed that the musicians had an unusual looking instrument, which I learned was traditional for that kind of music. I loved the sound, I have to say a lot more than what I heard on this video, but I might have been prejudiced by the fact that I thought the song itself was pretty awful lol.

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