
edited May 2024 in Resources

The following are suggestions for equipment provided by TSF members. The range of equipment out there is enormous, so this is by no means an exhaustive list, but should provide somewhere to start.

DAW Software

There are numerous Digital Audio Workbench (DAW) software programs available including:



Mastering/Editing Software

DAWS may provide this functionality, or it can be done separately




  • A large diaphragm condenser mic works well for recording vocals, as it does not pick up as much background noise
  • Dynamic mics are usually more rugged and can handle high volumes without distortion. Better for capturing the whole sound in a room


  •  Audio Technica, Shure, Rode, Senheiser, etc.

Audio Interfaces

An audio interface allows microphone cables, TRS cables (like a guitar), and sometimes MIDI devices to be plugged into a small device which then connects to your computer, typically via USB. It gets the audio into your computer.


  • Consider buying secondhand vs new, these devices don't take much of a battering
  • Work out how many things you'll need to plug in. Audio interfaces come in different sizes with a different number of input sockets.
  • Will you be using a MIDI keyboard or other MIDI device? Not all audio interfaces have MIDI inputs, and they will add to the price.


  •  Steinberg, Focusrite, M-Audio, Presonus, Behringer

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