slippin'down a hole (right click then open link in new tab,) to open song. lyrics SS : music/vocals Ai

The first in a trilogy of songs centred on the theme of hurtin'

[verse 1]

My baby's dying, he's slippin' down a hole,

I look into his eyes, but no one's there.

He can't take, the drugs inside his veins,

A face distorted, in pain, moans in fear.


Momma he cries, please save me,

Fighting whatever's takin' his soul.

Hug him, with all my strength,

Try to stop him, slippin' down a hole.

[verse 2]

All the signs were there, looking back,

things that told me, somethings wrong.

My boy was changing, a little at a time,

Behaviour for him, just didn't belong.


Momma he cries, please save me,

Fighting whatever's takin' his soul.

Hug him, with all my strength,

Try to stop him, slippin' down a hole.

[verse 3]

My boy, gave one last gasp and sighed,

His eyes, rolled up into his head.

The tears, fell upon my baby in my arms,

As I laid his body, gently on the bed.


Momma he cries, please save me,

Fighting whatever's takin' his soul.

Hug him, with all my strength,

Try to stop him, slippin' down a hole.

[verse 4]

Time has past, since I laid my son to rest,

I buried part of me, I'm no longer whole.

The pills I got, would help me to forget,

Only feelin' left, is I'm slippin' down a hole.


Momma he cries, please save me,

Fighting whatever's takin' his soul.

Hug him, with all my strength,

Try to stop him, slippin' down a hole.


slippin' down a hole

down a hole

down a hole (fade)


  • @sidshovel - definitely not a feel good song ;) the melancholy of the music really fits the overall theme. i like the directness of the lyrics

  • The mother following a similar path is the real gut punch in this one.

    I'm not sure "slipping down a hole" is strong enough. It looks like it ought to be, but hearing it, it didn't quite have the impact I expected. Maybe it needs some more emphasis similar to the outro? Definitely one to get some different perspectives on.

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside



    Thanks Bill, it's a trilogy on the theme hurtin', none of the songs will leave anyone feelin' good, I'm going for reflection at best.


    No, you're right. I toyed between falling and slipping but opted for the slippin as this was a progressive action rather than sudden. This being a closer depiction of addiction and the eventual outcome. There is also the general reference to dying as "slipping away".

  • @sidshovel nice turn in Verse 4. Whether it be drugs on the street or Big Pharm, we are on a slippery path to destruction. Very timely song; well done.


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