Cabo San Lucas

its actually a true story , except for the wife


  • @ElvisNash - great song , great story, unfortunate.. but as long as there is art in life, there is a song to be made ;)

  • You don't wanna stray from the tourist areas down there , its funny now , it wasn't 10 years ago


  • @ElvisNash - I was going to retire to cabo ,then I was talking to somebody from there, and he said to be careful as the locals like to take advantage of americans and also not to veer too far away from there.

  • ElvisNash
    ElvisNash Calif
    edited January 19

    They claim a lot you can live off a small amount down there . Not really . Ya you got be careful . Real Mexico is nothing like tourist areas . Asia is basically the same thing really . I have a house there , but never moving there. You're a target by cops and locals . Story songs use to be in trends , Not now I don't think

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