The Mighty Men (Ain't No Sin in That)

Greetings Good People!

This song was inspired by Netflix's "American Primeval"; a line that came up in a scene of which I couldn't resist. Not a bad Limited Series if you like dark and gritty. That said, any suggestions would be appreciated and helpful. And the Southern Rock backing track is by JamTracksChannel, YouTube. Truly wish I could sing better; off key a tad especially in the Chorus, sorry for that! 😔

And isn't it about time women celebrate good men rather than knocking them down? I may sound husky in my voice but believe me, I never was a feminist; a bit of a tomboy at times but ALL WOMAN and a woman who appreciates good men. They just could save this world one day. Too much information, I know..

For a listen ===>

THE MIGHTY MEN (Ain’t No Sin in That)


Ain’t no sin in that

No, there ain’t no sin in that


[Verse 1]

There ain’t no sin in that

Good guys with big guns

There ain’t no sin in that

Protecting the ones you love

It’s the way of the world

The way the West was won

There ain’t no sin in that

Getting the job done



The mighty men of this world

They have most of the gold

But the true mighty men of this world

Are the men no chains can hold


[Verse 2]

A man who loves his wife

Takes a bullet for his kids

There ain’t no sin in that

Family’s all there is

It’s the way God made it

The way this world was born

There ain’t no sin it that

The way the Veil was torn



The mighty men of this world

They have most of the gold

But the true mighty men of this world

Are the men no chains can hold


[Verse 3]

A man who provides shelter

From life’s atrocities

A man who seeks advice

Ain’t afraid to hit his knees

It’s the way of the Saints

The way God gets things done

There ain’t no sin in that

A high priest under the sun



The mighty men of this world

They have most of the gold

But the true mighty men of this world

Are the men no chains can hold


…….Ain’t no sin in that

No, there ain’t no sin in that…….


[Verse 1 Repeats]

There ain’t no sin in that

Good guys with big guns

There ain’t no sin in that

Protecting the ones you love

It’s the way of the world

The way the West was won

There ain’t no sin in that

Getting the job done



The mighty men of this world

They have most of the gold

But the true mighty men of this world

Are the men no chains can hold..


© 2025 Renee La Chapelle – All Rights Reserved

Backing Track by JamTracks Channel, YouTube.


  • @HummerWisdom - really catchy song.. the vocals are fine, gives character to the song. at least you can carry a tune. i can't sing.. my mom compared my singing to the sound of a dying cow :) and most recently, my dog put her paw on my mouth :)...

  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 19

    @bhengen my lack of singing (and playing guitar) for that matter is the reason Nashville chewed me up and spit me out! On top of having no luck in love here. Why I'm still here is to keep a roof, plain and simple. When I used to go out and get up on stage, the one thing people did like were my lyrics; shocking some of them were and I did receive compliments on the honesty behind them but beyond that, I SUCKED compared to the many great talents here.

    And I gotta say, some of my favorite times here were song circles; no mics, just a circle of fellow-songwriters who actually shut up and listen! That, I need to get out there and do again. Just gotta find the right circle as many of the ones I used to go to have disappeared. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

    Anyway, here little ol' me, hummingbird sits in Music City, USA which has now become Medical City, USA with Vanderbilt and all,


  • ElvisNash
    ElvisNash Calif
    edited January 19

    Do you live in Nashville Renee ? .The backing track works well with the song , The vocal fits the song. I can only watch a good movie once in awhile

  • @HummerWisdom - you just haven't found the style that matches your vocals.. "Medical City, USA", is now the title to your next song..;) Take a look at burt bacharach, he didn't have that great of a voice, but made a decent living writing songs for other people.. this is probably blasphemy, but i don't think bob dylan had that great of voice., your songs always speak from the heart directly, which makes them more relatable.

  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 19

  • @HummerWisdom - Renee. really profound lyrics.. this is more of a ballad ,maybe 3/4 time and a slow melody.. if you play this in a minor key, like fm, that would give it a somber, reflective sound..

  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 19

    @bhengen Fm? What's that, lol! One of those chords tough on old arthritic fingers. But I appreciate the suggestion.


  • @HummerWisdom - I know you want to keep your vocal fresh, but have you thought about running your voice through auto-tune? everybody seems to be using it, including some big named singers.

  • @ElvisNash yes, I live in Nashville, for what that's worth. I really was done with it, say 10 years ago. Moved here in 2006. But at least the winters are milder than Connecticut where I'm originally from. So, there's that, too!


  • Well as a songwriter , that's the place to be . I'm not sure how pitching songs work now , things have changed , its always been a tuff market

  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 19

    @ElvisNash it's who you know. And me being a nobody, well, you get the picture. Never was good at who you knows...I'm an oddball indeed. And then, you gotta be a good little cookie-cutter to truly fit in..and I surely don't fit that mold. Though I do submit some of my 'more acceptable' lyrics to the Great American Songwriter's contest yearly. At least for the past 2 years and a bit before that to other contests who offer lyrics only category.

    Should I win, you'll be the first to know, LOL! 🤣


  • yeah its a relationship biz , say the wrong thing , Well you get the picture

  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 19

    @ElvisNash I'm REALLY good at saying the WRONG thing! Sounds the song.....

  • ElvisNash
    ElvisNash Calif
    edited January 19

    ha ha ha , that makes 2 of us . political correct and all that

  • @ElvisNash you know what I say to P.C., well you don't know but if you knew me better, you would!


  • its what you do , not what you say , songwriting world is crazy lol

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    Good one Renee, sound message.

    Nice music, good beat, went well with the lyrics.

    Enjoyed that very much,

    well done,


  • Thank you so much, everyone for your input. It really helps a lot knowing if I'm on the right track or not.


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