Me, The Hummingbird

Inspired by Renee's comment - Me, The hummingbird. Reminded me of I am the walrus, a brilliant song by the Beatles, I started to model this by that, but then remembered, The walrus and carpenter by Lewis Carroll. I thought how I could give a nod to Carroll and things went off the rails after that.. Then when I got to the verse about the preacher, reminded me of Shakespeare, A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, which didn't make sense in my context , so changed it to a rose by another, still a rose..

To those who view, but not comment, which seems to be many, hopefully you'll have a good read and get something out of it, To the minimalist who actually comment, thanks ahead of time.

[Verse 1]

Flitting fluttering wings

Motions without sound

Mocking futile piggies

Squealing on the ground

Seeking hidden messages

In fables and paradoxes

Eternal discourse locked

In self-made black boxes


We are, me, the hummingbird

Suspended in a sea of words

Waves knitting and weaving 

Fabrics of hidden meanings

Traps of Sticky nectar stuck

Eternally semantics preening

[Verse 2]

The preachy preacher preaches

On a white soapbox teaches

Wading in till hands to skies

Clouded contradictions of lies

Heretical meanings in prose

Rose by another, still a rose

Am I the walrus, carpenter, or

The oyster in scriptural lore


We are, me, the hummingbird

Suspended in a sea of words

Waves knitting and weaving 

Fabrics of hidden meanings

Traps of Sticky nectar stuck

Eternally semantics preening

[Verse 3]

Standing on misty mountain tops

Looking at giant fish, flip-flop

Caught in seas of distorted truths

Puppet masters standing on booths

With dirty hands and crooked smiles,

Alluring scents of hope and guile,

Of false promises and blood from veins

We are pawns forever bound by chains


Like the hummingbird flying free

From flowering flowers of realities

Path determined depends on belief

In solace of self, we find relief

While the walrus sobs and weeps

The crafty carpenter flame keeps

Stirring, stirring water he toils

Try not to be the oyster boiled


  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    There are diamonds strewn throughout these lyrics Bill. What a joy to read and digest, absolute masterpiece.

    Verse 2 jumped out at me, but everything was so well done. Great selection of vocals and music to carry it, again well done on selecting the most appropriate vehicle for your words.

    Highly recommended listen.


  • @sidshovel - Thanks sid, really appreciate it. verse 2 jumping out in a lyrically good way or bad way :)

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    Do you have to ask! Already cut and pasted into my little book of stolen gems.

  • @sidshovel - ok... i can be thick at times.. i know it's minor, but it's now up to 9 views and you and I are the only ones that have commented..

  • Alot cool poetic lines man , Very different look at a song

    Cool recording by AI

  • @ElvisNash - thanks for the comment.. i need to learn a DAW, so i can get the music I have in my head for the lyrics out, so it's more in the vein of prog or experimental rock

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    The preachy preacher preaches

    On a white soapbox teaches

    These lines remind me of a spot in London's Hyde Park, called Speakers Corner.

    Check it out,


  • @sidshovel - that is so cool.. thanks for sharing.

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    Bill, here's a stat that may interest you.

    I started a thread in General Discussion called Ai Issues, to date it has had over 1000 views. From those 1000 views only 8 different people made comments, including me.

  • @sidshovel - maybe figure out a way to discourage lurkers

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    You should start a thread in General Discussions Bill, I would be interested to hear others opinions and thoughts on this issue.

  • @sidshovel - I could, but this is almost at the limit of me being an extrovert :)

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside

    No worries Bill, being an introvert, is a label that's never been thrown in my direction.

    I'll put it up and see if anyone can shed a light on this.

  • You have to a bit of a extrovert to put out music , Though the song might be born being a introvert

  • @ElvisNash -that is so very true :)

  • @bhengen While I might be late to the party, I'm not late to the show! I must admit, Bill how your title struck my little birdie eye! Had to go and grab a third cup of coffee to sit and digest your lyric. I'm happy to have inspired such great poetry and song. Always an education, your songs of which the world could use more of! Now, for that listen...

    "mocking futile piggies" love that! Sweet song, Bill, truly. Lovely vocal and dreamy melody. And I especially love V3.

    Your devout fan,

    Renee aka HummerWisdom (at the least, I hope I've gained some wisdom in this impoverished life as so much has been kept hidden from us..) 🕊️ (the dove works for me, too!)

  • @HummerWisdom - Renee, thanks for the comment.. iit's aways fascinating where artist get inspiration's said the lick on sweet child o' mine by guns and roses was developed in a van on the way to a gig. Slash just thought of it, then axel added the lyrics.. :)

  • @bhengen Yes! Absolutely fascinating where inspiration comes from. I read something like the following once and can't recall where I read it but it went something like this: when song ideas fall from the sky, take them because if you don't, someone else will.


  • HummerWisdom
    edited January 19

    @bhengen Call it crashing the party and I'm sorry, Bill if I do but thought I'd share, and not to take away from your song (as if I could) however, your song reminded me of the following song of which I just rewrote because of your song. I seldom look at old writes of which I didn't this time. This, I will be putting to song as it is much better than the lyric I originally wrote in ?? 2021-22 or thereabouts. Thanks for the reminder as I LOVE hummingbirds SO much!

    MY TRUE LOVES (The Hummingbird Song)

    Hangin’ out on my front porch

    Saturday, the middle of June

    Not one single cloud in the sky

    Singin’ a lonesome tune

    Bleeding hearts and butterfly bushes

    Coming to full bloom

    Feeders, cleaned and ready to hang

    My true loves will arrive soon



    My true loves, where could you be now?

    My true loves, I’m missing you and how


    The way your wings flutter

    Brings goosebumps an' butterflies

    The way you move forward and backward

    A miracle in disguise

    That chittering sound you make

    The way you descend and rise

    That lovely dance you do

    Before my very eyes



    My true loves, where could you be now?

    My true loves, I’m missing you and how


    Your journey is long and arduous

    That much I know is true

    I hope you make it here in one piece

    Be mindful whatever you do

    ‘Cuz summer wouldn’t be summer

    Without the likes of you

    And the last of you I saw in September

    Left my brown eyes blue


    [Chorus 2x]

    My true loves, where could you be now?

    My true loves, I’m missing you and how


    My true loves, where could you be now?

    My true loves, I’m missing you and how


    © 2025 Renee La Chapelle – All Rights Reserved

  • @HummerWisdom - profound lyrics, hooky chorus. thanks for sharing.

  • @bhengen thank you so much, Bill. Workin' out the tune now! 😍 Will post on SoundCloud.

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