

  • I was sick of winter 2 months ago
    Very pretty man , nice little change ups happening
  • Enjoyed the music, some nice chord sequences and atmosphere.

    If you'd like comments on the lyric, it's really helpful if you can post the lyric here on TSF.

  • sidshovel
    sidshovel merseyside
    edited January 11

    Delightful piece, very enjoyable. Haunting music which captured the joys of Spring well.

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful song.


  • Cove
    Cove Alabama, U.S.

    Great composition. On the first listen I was thinking this is really good, After around the fourth listen I'm thinking this is awesome!....post your lyrics.

  • This is a really clever song. Some fabulous chord changes and I love the way this builds from the intro. Yeah, the lyrics would help, but I think this is a fabulous track. I'm sick of winter too.😀

  • HoboSage
    HoboSage hobosage.com

    Thanks, everyone. My apologies for posting this song to this board "for review," I really only wanted to vent about how sick of winter I am, because at the time, it was really getting to me, and I thought by sharing this song with others here who might be feeling the same way they could likewise vent. Misery loves company, ya know. I get now I probably should have posted this song in to the "General Conversation" board here with an explanation of my intent in doing so. My bad. @RainyDayMan, please feel free to move this to that board, or to just delete it all together. I'm done venting about winter . . . at least for now. ;)



  • I bought a pellet stove , but never worked so the store replaced it . So now it's toasty warm . I'm not a fan of winter either

  • StoneFlowers
    StoneFlowers Cape Cod MA

    Buddy I love your spring song. The way you end it is sublime. And your Rainsongs Suite is beautifully done. But I have to admit, I love the cold weather. Be up north skiing next week.

    Also wanted to thank you for your recommendation on recording equipment. I purchased the mic, digital interface and head phones from Sweetwater and loaded Logic Pro. I'm working on the learning curve...thanks again

  • RainyDayMan
    edited January 20

    That's fine we can leave it here. Now we know the kind of comments you were looking for!

  • Whoa! @HoboSage Very beautiful song through and through. My favorite: "Eventually, the birds will sing...because the sunlight will bring...Spring...around the ring." (hope I got that right) Nice chimes. I can't wait for Spring and Summer is my fave. Winter about kills me. Layering is the key for us skinny peeps.

    The best to you in your songwriting endeavors,


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